Présentations, workshops et sessions spéciales
[P1] R. Zayani “Post OFDM Waveforms comparison for Critical Machine Type Communications”, Conférencier invité, IEEE ISWCS 2017, Bologne, Italie, Août 2017.
[P3] D. Demmer, JB. Doré, D. Le Ruyet, R. Gerzaguet, D. Kténas, S.Bicais, “Présentation poster: « Block-Filtered OFDM, a promising candidate waveform for 5G and beyond”, IEEE EuCNC, Tempere, Finland, Juin 2017.
Articles dans des revues internationales
[J1] D. Demmer, R. Zakaria, R. Gerzaguet, J-B. Doré, D. Le Ruyet, « Study of OFDM Precoded Filter-Bank Waveforms, » in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, (doi: 10.1109/TWC.2018.2886886), vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 2889-2902, June 2019.
[J2] S. Traverso and J. Bernier, « Low Complexity Time Synchronization Based on Digital Predistortion Coefficients, » in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 240-242, March 2019.
[J3] H. Shaiek, R. Zayani, Y. Medjahdi, D. Roviras. « Analytical analysis of SER for beyond 5G post-OFDM Waveforms in presence of High Power Amplifiers », IEEE Access, (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2900977), pp. 1-13, March 2019.
[J4] R. Zakaria, D. Silva and D. Le Ruyet, « Lattice-Reduction-Aided Equalization for MIMO-FBMC Systems, » in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, doi: 10.1109/LWC.2018.2859942, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 101-104, Feb. 2019.
[J5] R. Zayani, H. Shaiek, X. Cheng, X. Fu, C. Alexandre, D. Roviras. « Experimental Testbed of post-OFDM Waveforms Toward Future Wireless Networks », IEEE Access, vol. 6(1), pp. 1-17, (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2879375), Decembre 2018.
[J6] R. Zayani, H. Shaiek, D. Roviras, “Ping-Pong Joint Optimization of PAPR Reduction and HPA Linearization in OFDM Systems”, : IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Volume PP, Issue 99, Pages 1-8, DOI 10.1109/TBC.2018.2855664, July 2018.
[J7] Y. Medjahdi, S. Traverso, R. Gerzaguet, H. Shaiek, R. Zayani, D. Demmer, R. Zakaria, J-B. Doré, M. Ben Mabrouk, D. Le Ruyet, Y. Loüet, D. Roviras, “On the road to 5G: Comparative study of Physical layer in MTC context”, IEEE Access, Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages 26556-26581, DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2774002, November 2017.
[J8] J-B Doré, R. Gerzaguet, N. Cassiau, D. Ktenas, « Waveform contenders for 5G: Description, analysis and comparison », Physical Communication, Volume 24, Pages 46-61, ISSN 1874-4907, ttps://, September 2017.
[B1] R. Zayani, H. Shaiek, D. Roviras, S. Bulusu. « Procédé de mise en forme d’un signal en vue de son amplification, procédé d’amplification, dispositif de mise en forme, et dispositif d’amplification associés », Brevet N° 1660518, CNAM, 28/10/2016.
[B2] J.B Doré. « Emetteur OFDM à filtrage par bloc et système d’émission/Réception correspondant ». Brevet N° 1658866, CEA, 21/09/2016.
Articles dans des conférences nationales et internationales
[C1] K. Bulusu , P. Maddila , Hmaied Shaiek and D. Roviras,”HPA Linearization for FBMC-OQAM Signals with Fast Convergence-Digital Predistortion”, In Proc IEEE ISWCS 2018, Oulu, Finland, August 2019.
[C2] K. Tahkoubit , A. Ali-Pacha , H. Shaiek and D. Roviras,”PAPR reduction of BF-OFDM waveform using DFT-Spread technique”, In Proc IEEE ISWCS 2018, Oulu, Finland, August 2019.
[C3] H. Fhima, H. Shaiek, R. Zayani, D. Roviras, B. S. Chang and Ridha Bouallegue,” Analysis of Widely Linear Equalization over Frequency Selective Channels with Multiple Interferences”, 2018 Eleventh International Workshop on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Computing, Limassol, Cyprus, October 2018.
[C4] R. Zayani, H. Shaıek, C. Alexandre, A. Kielys, X. Cheng, X. Fu and D. Roviras,”A Testbed for experimental performance evaluation of Multicarrier Waveforms in presence of RF PA”, In Proc IEEE ISWCS 2018, Lisbon, Portugal, August 2018.
[C5] Y. Medjahdi, Y. Louet, D. Roviras, S. Traverso, R. Gerzaguet, H. Shaiek, R. Zayani, D. Demmer, R. Zakaria, J-B. Doré, M. Ben Mabrouk and Didier Le Ruyet, “Impact of selective channels on post-OFDM waveforms for 5G Machine Type Communications”, In Proc IEEE ISWCS 2018, Lisbon, Portugal, August 2018.
[C6] Y. Louet, D. Roviras, A. Nafkha, H. Shaiek and R. Zayani, “Global power amplifier efficiency evaluation with PAPR reduction method for post-OFDM waveforms”, In Proc IEEE ISWCS 2018, Lisbon, Portugal, August 2018.
[C7] K. Tani, Y. Medjahdi, H. Shaiek, R. Zayani and D. Roviras, “PAPR reduction of post-OFDM waveforms contenders for 5G & Beyond using SLM and TR algorithms”, In Proc IEEE ICT 2018, Saint Malo, France, June 2018.
[C8] H. Fhima, B. S. Chang, R. Zayani, H. Shaiek, D. Roviras and Ridha Bouallegue, “Performance of Linear and Widely Linear Equalizers for FBMC/OQAM modulation”, In Proc IEEE ICT 2018, Saint Malo, France, June 2018.
[C9] Y. Medjahdi, H. Shaiek, D. Roviras, Y. Louet, M. B. Mabrouk, “Non linear power amplifier effects on post-OFDM waveforms”, In Proc URSI AT-RASC 2018, Gran Canaria, Spain, May 2018.
[C10] R Gerzaguet, Y. Medjahdi, D. Demmer, R. Zayani, J-B. Doré, H. Shaiek and D. Roviras, “Comparison of Promising Candidate Waveforms for 5G: WOLA-OFDM Versus BF-OFDM”, In Proc IEEE ISWCS 2017, Bologna, Italy, August 2017.
[C11] D. Demmer, JB. Doré, D. Le Ruyet, R. Gerzaguet, D. Kténas, “Filter Design for 5G BF-OFDM Waveform”, In Proc IEEE EuCNC, Tempere, Finland, June 2017.
[C12] D. Demmer, JB. Doré, D. Le Ruyet, R. Gerzaguet, D. Kténas, ”Block-Filtered OFDM: a novel waveform for future wireless technologies”, In Proc IEEE ICC, Paris, France, May 2017.
[C13] D. Demmer, JB. Doré, D. Le Ruyet, R. Gerzaguet “Performane of Soft-Decision Linear Receivers for Spatial-Multiplexing FBMC/OQAM”, In Proc IEEE ISWCS, Poznan, Poland, September 2017.
[C14] M. Ben Mabrouk, M. Chafii, Y. Louët, F. Bader, « Low-PAPR condition for 5G-candidate waveforms, » accepted in IEEE International Conference Union ofRadio Science General Assembly & Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), Montreal, 2017.
[C15] M. Ben Mabrouk, M. Chafii, Y. Louët, F. Bader, « A Precoding-based PAPR Reduction Technique for UF-OFDM and Filtered-OFDM Modulations in 5G Systems, » In Proc European Wireless, Dresden, 2017.
[C16] Y. Medjahdi, R. Zayani, H. Shaiek, D. Roviras. « WOLA processing: a useful tool for windowed waveforms in 5G with relaxed synchronicity », ICC2017, International Workshop on the Main Trends in 5G Networks (MT5Gnet), Paris, France, May 2017.
[C17] R. Zakaria, D. Le Ruyet, A.o Carlos da Rocha, B. F. Uchôa-Filho « A Complex Orthogonal WCP Circular Filtered Multi-Carrier (COW-CFMC) scheme”, ICC2017, Wireless Communications Symposium, Paris, France, May 2017.
[C18] Yves Louët, « PAPR overview of Post-OFDM waveforms and startegies to meet both spectrum and power efficiencies for 5G transmitters » Workshop Techniques for High Efficiency Linear Power Amplification of 5G signals », Radio Wireless Week, Phoenix, USA, January 2017.
[C19] R. Zayani, Y. Medjahdi, H. Shaiek, D. Roviras. « WOLA-OFDM: a potential candidate for asynchronous 5G », GLOBECOM 2016, Washigton, USA, December 2016.